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INGENIOUS Summer Travel Story 

INGENIOUS capsules are the perfect summer holiday companion, offering travel-friendly convenience, robust UV protection, and additional hydration, ensuring skin health wherever you go.  They seamlessly

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A close up shot of a flamingo peering out behind its feathers looking directly at the camera

Amazing Astaxanthin

What is Astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is an incredible natural carotenoid found in pink birds like flamingos well as many pink marine animals such as: salmon, trout,

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Collagen and Exercise

COLLAGEN FOR THE WHOLE BODY Collagen has long been linked with beauty for improving the condition of skin, whilst reducing fine lines and wrinkles. However,

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Close up black and white image of a ladies eye and eyelashes

Astaxanthin and healthy vision

What is astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is a carotenoid (antioxidants with bright pigment hues). Scientists have acknowledged for many years that carotenoids such as astaxanthin play a

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Does vegan collagen actually work?

Does vegan collagen actually work?

After the success of our multi-award winning collagen supplement Ingenious Beauty, we’ve launched Ingenious Vegan – our vegan collagen supplement – a unique patented, plant-based

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Astaxanthin and Salmon

Astaxanthin and Salmon

Eating salmon is known to have many health benefits. It is high in essential omega-3 fatty acids, high in B vitamins and potassium and a

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