marine collagen

what is collagen?

Collagen is an important component of our skin, bones, muscles, ligaments and other tissues. It’s 30% of all the protein and it’s 75% of skin. Collagen is one of the many components in your body, but as you live life, it’s harder to access and create it.

Collagen can only be derived from animal sources. Supplemental collagen is mainly derived from cows or fish, with some from chickens or eggs. Plant-based collagen does not, and cannot, exist. 

why is collagen important?

When we age, we lose our ability to produce collagen as efficiently as we could before the age of 25. The rate at which this ability reduces is about 1.5% every year from our mid-twenties onwards. This leads to visible signs of ageing and loss of radiance in our skin. Our hair and nails become less strong, whilst our joints become stiffer, and we heal less quickly from injuries.

In early life there is no significant difference in collagen density between males and females. Once they reach their early 20s, males tend to have a higher collagen density which contributes to their typically thicker and firmer skin. After 25 collagen production declines in both sexes. However, women tend to experience a more rapid decrease in collagen density compared to men. This is partly due to hormonal changes, particularly the decline in oestrogen levels during and after menopause.

what's the science of collagen?

In the human body, as in the rest of nature, collagen exists as a long chain triple helix which cannot be absorbed without being broken down. This breakdown process is normally undertaken by the action of the stomach which breaks collagen into its constituent amino acids which can then be absorbed in the small intestine. Unfortunately, this action also destroys the nature of the collagen, and also applies to collagen peptides.

what's ingenious collagen?

Most collagen supplements use collagen peptides, also known as hydrolysed collagen. The hydrolysation process breaks the collagen molecule into small chains of amino acids (bi or tri-peptides) which in theory can be absorbed directly into the blood stream. However, the digestive action of the stomach will also degrade these collagen peptides before they arrive in the small intestine (where 90% of collagen absorption occurs). Despite what many claim, all unprotected collagen peptide based supplements – liquid, powder, capsules, or tablets – will be degraded before they reach the small intestine.

Ingenious focuses on delivering a consistent 627mg amount of collagen peptide – targeted to reach your small intestine in our patented capsule. Our supplements are able to pass through the stomach intact and travel to the small intestine; here the change in pH levels triggers the capsule to dissolve. To ensure that the marine collagen peptide is quickly absorbed once it is released into the small intestine, we use a peptide that weighs 2,000 Daltons or less, ideal for rapid absorption. This is less than half the size of the industry average which is 5,000 Daltons. The collagen peptide and the rest of the active ingredients are then absorbed through the small intestine directly into the bloodstream.

At Ingenious we do not use ultra-processed additives such as preservatives, flavours or fillers. Neither do we need to over-fill our capsules with collagen peptide, leaving space for other key active ingredients. We use just the right amount of collagen peptide to ensure you see stunning results, knowing every bit of it will be absorbed and utilised for firmer, smoother skin and overall vitality.

Both our patented capsule and the quality of our collagen gives Collagen+ and Active unparalleled levels of absorption which no other collagen supplement can match.

Collagen+ and Active uses the most superior grade of marine collagen peptide sourced responsibly from the skins of free-swimming fresh water fish. 

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