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Collagen Calculator

Do you know your collagen levels? Find out with our unique collagen calculator today!

collagen & the body

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, making up the majority of our skin, hair and nails as well as being the basis for our bones, ligaments and joints. In childhood our collagen levels are high, but they begin to decline when we reach our mid-20’s. This decline in collagen is the main reason for ageing, both in our outward appearance (such as fine lines and wrinkles) but also in the way our bodies feel, with ageing issues such as aches and joint stiffness also attributed to lower levels of collagen.

Both women and men lose collagen steadily at around 1.5% a year, usually from the age of 25 onwards. However working out the rate of collagen loss is not as simple as multiplying 1.5 by the number of years someone has aged over 25, since each year the 1.5% is taken from the new reduced total. The mathematics is further complicated by the fact that male and female levels diverge when women hit menopause. For more information please read about calculating your collagen levels, or add in your age and gender to our collagen calculator to see what your levels are likely to be.

Calculate your collagen

After the age of 25, our bodies start to lose 1.5% collagen every year. Discover what your collagen levels might be (without supplementation) and learn how taking an Ingenious supplement can change things.



During the menopause collagen depletion increases significantly. Without supplementation, woman can experience 30% falls in the collagen in their skin in just five years after menopause. 

collagen supplements

Collagen is vital to maintaining a healthy body. When collagen levels are high skin will feel soft and supple, hair will be lustrous, and nails will be strong. Therefore, as we age, it makes sense to seek out a collagen supplement to help us maintain these levels. However, not all collagen supplements are created equal.

Collagen supplements come in all shapes and sizes: drinks, powders, tablets, capsules – there are even collagen sweeties and cordials. However, in many cases these supplements will do little for the body. One issue is that collagen is a protein, so when taken orally in any form will be broken down and degraded in the stomach.

Ingenious supplements are different. We use a unique patented capsule to protect the collagen from the action of the stomach, so none of it gets degraded or destroyed. When tested in a huge independent clinical trial, 98% those taking Ingenious Beauty saw significant improvements to their skin.



Men naturally have a higher collagen density in their skin which causes it to be roughly 25% thicker than women. The rate at which collagen levels deplete also varies between men and women.

collagen destroyers

Collagen Calculator


Collagen Destroyers smoking


Collagen Destroyers sugar


Collagen Destroyers alcohol




High intensity exercise rapidly reduces levels of collagen in a body. Professional athletes and sports people therefore experience more advanced levels of collagen depletion than normal.

Discover the collection

Ingenious Beauty

Patented and proven, Ingenious Beauty’s effective natural ingredients and breakthrough in collagen absorption deliver visibly younger-looking skin.

Ingenious Vegan

Ingenious Vegan uses a 100% plant-based formula to stimulate collagen synthesis and reinvigorate your skin, hair, nails and joints.

Ingenious Active

Reach peak performance. Ingenious Active will enhance your endurance levels, reduce inflammation and improve post-exercise recovery.


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